Thursday, November 20, 2008


Did you know that we have no school at all next week! Well of course you did! Because on Thursday of next week - the 27th to be exact - is Thanksgiving! We usually only get that Thursday and Friday off, but there are school wide conferences going on from the 24-26, so we get that part of the week off as well. That means that when we get back from this break, we only have 15 more days until Christmas break! Christmas break is two week's long though, because it's also for New Year's! So we only have little time left in 2008; and then we're on to our new year!
And remember to dress up in blue and white on Friday, because leader ship is trying to get every on to dress up every last Friday of every month, and sens we're not going to be here, this Friday is our blue and white Friday!
Well happy thanksgiving! And en
joy your week off!

By Taylor

1 Comentário:

Sleisle said...

That is soooooo awesome!!! I love time out of school! And we get to be out of it for nine days! Then after the next fifteen days, another break! That so sweet! I can't wait! And we get some awesome "food-shoveling" holidays! I can't wait!

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