Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Our LMS library has just bought a bunch of new books to add to our collection. One of the most popular series we have is Twilight. There is already a new movie coming out for the first book , it comes out on November 21. You should check out this series it is like a mystery/ action/ romance all smooshed together. It leaves you wondering whats going to happen next every page you read. I've heard about more girls reading it than guys but I really think that this book is good for both guys and girls. So read the book! If you would like to know what other books we have at the library click on the LMS library blog link.

By Taylor, Elli

1 Comentário:

Dominik said...

I read the book in 7th grade and i don't think the movie will be better because it never is. When you read a book you have a different image in your head then the writers that write the movie.

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