Adventure Education Memories.
Two guys named J.P. and Christian showed the Adventure Ed. class and a few of the LMS Bloggers about 400 pictures of the 2300 they took on their trip to California.
Adventurous Educationous Memories
In a classroom filled with Adventure Ed. kids, 4 of the LMS Bloggers stood out. We had just been introduced to two young guys, but I had already forgotten their names. The lights went off, music started, and about 400 photos of a trip to California flashed by our eyes. The two men we Mr.Snelling introduced us to commented slightly on each. Memories of an Adventure Education expedition circulated throughout the room.
Bergquist explaining Adv Ed to a not-so-scary old guy
Adventurous Pictures. By Elli
As we sat in Mr. Bergquist's dark classroom we looked at some pretty "enlightening". Everyone cracked up when they saw Korey's face about five inches from the camera, some people were slightly disturbed. They took a few buses around California and after awhile I think the regular riders started to stop taking the bus. At one time the bus was so full that Korey ended up buried under all the backpacks and all you could see was his head. It didn't look very comfortable, but he made it back in one piece. On one bus Mr. Bergquist was talking to a friendly old man but when someone took a picture of him it looked like he was afraid for his life. There were a lot of pictures of kids trying to walk the slack line ( a rope tied in between two trees that you walk across) and falling off. There is also a latest news lash on Adventure Ed., instead of having a full semester of Adventure Ed. it will only be a quarter long so more kids can take the class.
Adventure Ed Slideshow. By Carly
As I walk into Mr. Bergquist's to talk to Mr. Snelling, I, along with a few other bloggers, are called over to were two men with laptops were chatting happily. Their names were stated but I soon forgot. Note from Snelling: They are Jon Paul Dowdell and Christian Gaggia. Their purpose was documentation of the trip, and we were to watch their slide show. Along with Mr. B, Snelling and the whole Adventure Ed class we watched a slide show that was filled with 400 amazing photos of people, places and things. Both of the guys had taken photos and together there were about 2,000 photos.
Some of my favorite photos had subjects such as a Jesus action figure, a juggling kid and the students who went on the trip. We all sat and laughed at the memories that the photos brought back. Even though I didn't go on the trip I still enjoyed it and found them fun to look at. And now as the quarter is coming to an end I am looking forward to seeing what the next Adventure Ed trips photos turn out to be.
2 Comentários:
Wow I didn't know that adventure ed was only going to be a quarter, but i switched out from that to leadership, so...I think that you should video tape like the games such as the wrestling matches or basketball games and put them on the fridayshow!
Very Interesting Trip, I wish I could of gone!!!!!:)
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