Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL)is a standardized assessment of learning that is used in the state of Washington. The WASL assessment consists of tests on four subjects (reading, mathematics, science, and writing) with four different types of questions (multiple-choice, short-answer, essay, and problem solving). It is given to students from third to tenth grade, though it is not required in the ninth grade. Third & sixth graders are tested in reading and math; fourth and seventh graders in math, reading and writing. Fifth and eighth graders are tested in reading, math and science. The high school assessment, given during a student's tenth grade year, contains all four subjects. The first WASL was given in 1996. High school students are allowed to retake the WASL during a summer retest session in August. You are allowed five attempts at the WASL.

In 2006 there was such a high failure rate that it sparked controversy about the test. For instance, only 32% of 6th graders met the 'standard' for math. One angry mother said:
"The WASL is a wasteful, invalid, unproven, abusive experiment. My child is not your data or the state's guinea pig. There is no law stating that s/he must take the test. There is no program that recognizes WASL scores for admittance or placement, and if this school is utilizing them in this manner, perhaps a lawsuit will take care of that. I do not trust the questions; I do not trust the scoring; and until the state decides that it is my right to view my child's scored test and all scoring guides, with an advocate present, I will not allow my child to take part in this assessment."

But also a 8th grade student said:
"I really dont mind the WASL. It is not too hard for me, and does not seem to affect anything. I take the test and then go on with my life. I think it offers an expirience that we dont get with normal school. Its not like I enjoy it, but I dont see what the fuss is about"

They are getting rid of the WASL after this year.

1 Comentário:

Anonymous said...

ok.....i think the WASL is sooooo easy but soooo stinking stupid!!!!!

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